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The G.R.E.E.N. Foundation


Nov 19 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Learning & Listening Sessions – Oct 20 & Nov 19

Stay informed! Be in the know on COVID-19, Monkeypox, HIV & STDs, and more from African-American/ Black Pharmacist & Doctor Perspectives.


Session Dates:

  • Thursday, October 20 from 6pm – 7pm: COVID-19 & Monkeypox Updates – Dr. C. Wisseh, PhRD

  • Saturday, November 19 from 10am – 11am: STD, HIV, Monkeypox Discussion – Dr. J. King, MD


Cheryl Wisseh, PharmD, MPH is a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California at Irvine School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences and an Assistant Professor within the Family Medicine Department of the College of Medicine at Charles R. Drew University (CDU) of Medicine and Science. She is also a Clinical Research Education and Career Development Phase II Scholar at CDU and a primary care clinical pharmacist at a federally qualified health care center in South Central Los Angeles. In her role as a clinical pharmacist, she focuses on comprehensive medication management across chronic diseases commonly seen in primary care/family medicine. Dr. Wisseh is deeply passionate about health equity for minority underserved communities, the social determinants of health and their impact on underserved and minority communities, and community engagement. Her research interests include the previously mentioned areas and the pharmacist’s role in reducing racial/ethnic health disparities. Dr. Wisseh also currently serves on the National Pharmaceutical Association Board of Directors as the Zone 5 Director.

The G.R.E.E.N Foundation has been providing 22+ years of service to improve the health and overall well-being of African Americans and underrepresented communities through education and health screenings.

For more information, please contact 714-756-0027 or email