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The G.R.E.E.N. Foundation


Africa Advancing

“Improving on the health and welfare of the people of Africa: Cameroon” “An opportunity to learn from one another” Goal: To participate in the community health training, in collaboration with the opening of the Bafut Medical Center, in Cameroon on December 4 o share best… Read More »Africa Advancing

Being Happy!

We can’t get enough of Pharrell Williams’ song, Happy.  In his lyrics, if you believe happiness is truth clap your hands to agree.  Well, I must admit every time I hear the song my body automatically go into the happy mode.   I believe everyone want… Read More »Being Happy!

Engaged E!

I started out this year with a great attitude to keep our followers informed, well, it quite happen that way!  BUT, the good news a lot of great things are happening with The G.R.E.E.N. Foundation. The Affordable Care Act is the key!  Covered California and… Read More »Engaged E!

Health and Happiness

Happy holidays to all! I look forward to establishing new partnerships and collaborations in 2014. Look for the announcement of California statewide health education initiative in five cities. A few services will be needed, ie. printing, advertisement and catering. This is my wish for you:… Read More »Health and Happiness

One More Conference!

Please share the upcoming conference information with your family, friends and email audience.  Conference link: The vendor information is attached.  If you are interested please complete the forms and send in the payment by mail. Visit our website: