Join us on Saturday, May 18 at Robertson Community Center. Click and register:

June 1, 2013 – Screening & Health Education Outreach, Second Baptist Church, Los Angeles
Must make appointments for screenings.
Join us on Saturday, June 8 at Samuel Merritt University Health Education Center. Click and register
Here is the link for ActNOW: Oakland
Look for future collaborative partnerships opportunities to maximize and leverage resources to build healthier communities. I hope to see you on May 18 and/or June 8.
Scholarships are available for both conferences for those who are unable to donate $15 for their healthy continental breakfast and lunch. Exhibitor space is available.
Please share the link to register for the conference on Saturday, March 23, 2013
The G.R.E.E.N Foundation offers various community-based organizations the opportunity to partner with them and to make a measureable difference in local communities. Attend this event and see how its done and the difference that it can make in ‘your’ community or organization too!
Click or cut/paste link to the Eventbrite site.
http:// actnowlosangelesmarch23.eventb
Saturday, March 23, 2013 Sunnyside Baptist Church, 9317 So. Budlong Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90044
Please see for specific information about the foundation’s program focus. Email thegreenfoundation333@gmail. com if you have questions or need additional information.
Working together we can all make a positive difference in communities! Lite breakfast and lunch included!
ActNOW: Fullerton