“Improving on the health and welfare of the people of Africa: Cameroon”
“An opportunity to learn from one another”
To participate in the community health training, in collaboration with the opening of the Bafut Medical Center, in Cameroon on December 4 o share best practices with volunteer villagers (community health advocates) to share the importance of prevention and wellness.
TGF seeking support of family and friends through an online fundraising campaign to raise funds for air transportation, lodging, and meals for our team who will be facilitating this community training. A crowdfunding page has been created here to accept your donations. Thank you for your support!
History of Bafut Medical Center, 16 years in the making. Africa Advancing announces the long-awaited opening of the Bafut Medical Center. The medical center will be in different phases. The Phase I – pilot study focusing on Outpatient consultation and treatment, chronic disease management and Geriatrics care.
The G.R.E.E.N Foundation Cameroon team lead by Ernesta Wright, Executive Director and Community Organizer; Lezlee Matthews, Ph.D., Director Community-Based Learning, Loyola Marymount, Los Angeles, Patricia A. Hinchberger, EdD, GCNS, RN, RN to BSN Online Coordinator, Lecturer, College of Education, Health and Human Services, California State University San Marcos.